Thank you very much for choosing One Dining.
Please use the email form below to contact us regarding any feedback or inquiries that you have.
If you would like to contact or inquire about a specific restaurant, please obtain the phone number for that restaurant from this list and contact the restaurant directly. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Customer Support Center TEL :
(Reception: Weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)

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Important points when contacting us (Terms of Use)
  • Email responses from us are intended as replies to your feedback or inquiries. Our replies are for you alone, and we ask that you do not repost or otherwise reuse the contents of the responses.
  • Even though you are contacting us using the inquiry form, we may contact you back via other means, such as by telephone or post, so if you do not mind, we also ask that you provide your address and telephone number. (If you would like us to send you materials by post, please be sure to provide your address.)
  • Please be as specific as possible when submitting your inquiry. Please also note that, depending on the content, it may take us some time to respond or we may not be able to respond at all.
  • If inputting in Japanese, please use full-width characters, as half-width katakana may cause problems when displaying or sending.
  • If you have specified domains, you may not receive our reply. Please make sure you can receive emails from addresses ending with [].